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Job Description

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Through a multi-year NIH Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST) Cohort program grant, The University of Maryland FIRST Program was established to create an environment conducive to supporting highly effective biomedical researchers. In close partnership, both University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) and University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) are committed to establishing a home for inclusive excellence. A diverse group of faculty who are interested in the advancement of underrepresented faculty in biomedical research will be hired in cohorts of 2-3 until the positions are filled. Faculty hires will be provided with competitive salary, generous startup packages, and ample laboratory space. UM FIRST faculty will also receive both individual and group-based inter-institutional support including mentoring, career advocacy, and guidance within the research enterprise.

These new faculty will be hired into broadly themed areas of cancer biology, neuroscience, and microbiology/immunology/vaccinology/infectious diseases, which are areas of significant strength at both institutions.

Through this joint program, UMSOM and UMBC will hire a diverse cohort of at least 10 early-career scientists into tenure-track assistant professor positions. UM FIRST will recruit candidates whose research interests align with various departments, institutes, and centers that have demonstrated validated organizational readiness to promote the advancement of early-career faculty. We anticipate hiring the first two cohorts (3-5 positions) in 2023-2024 and the final two cohorts in 2024-2025.

The UM FIRST Program aims to foster inclusive excellence and provide a supportive environment to establish and grow a community and promote individuals who:

  • successfully compete for federal research funding
  • develop a vibrant and independent research program
  • meet the criteria for NIH-defined Early Stage Investigators
  • have a strong commitment to diversity 

UM FIRST faculty will be provided a comprehensive support infrastructure including sponsors, mentors, career coaches, institutional research navigators, targeted instruction for grant-writing, and professional development opportunities to help them mitigate the difficulties often experienced by early career faculty and accelerate the development of their research careers.

All qualified individuals with a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion are welcome to apply. Because evidence suggests that participation in the field of biomedical research by historically marginalized groups can help to alleviate existing healthcare disparities, we encourage applications from a broad range of applicants with backgrounds and life experiences that are underrepresented in biomedical research, including but not limited to underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities and persons from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.

Please plan to provide a cover letter, your current CV, and a statement describing how your background or life experiences will help to advance under-represented and marginalized groups in biomedical research.

Please submit inquiries about this position here. Interested candidates may apply here.

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